Friday, 31 July 2015

So, you are an online security expert are you?

This week researchers Ion, Reeder and Consolvo published a paper about online security [1] [10] which compared the security practices of 231 security experts against 294 non-experts. 

When asked “What are the top 3 things you do to stay safe online?” unsurprisingly the results differed between the two groups. I say unsurprisingly because I believe the two groups have a very different understanding and trust model for online security. The experts are more likely to think about and understand the potential risks, with sufficient understanding of technology to mitigate these risks to a level that is acceptable to themselves. Non-experts are less likely to fully understand the complete risks, so look towards so-called “trusted” sources for advice. These trusted sources may not so much be academic or industry researchers but are more likely to be a mix of companies with a vested interest (such as anti-virus suppliers) and media or online bloggers (who may or may not understand what they are doing). This becomes apparent when looking at the top 5 practices of non-experts (see figure 1). These non-expert practices are good advice, but tend to be older techniques the IT industry and press has been pushing for many years, rather than more modern practices that might be more applicable. This is no fault of the non-experts; security is not their focus. But everyone should realise that whilst the Internet is open for anyone to use (and long may it stay that way), as in the real-world there are people who will take advantage of the less mindful. Online security is as much the responsibility of the individual as it is the IT industry and government bodies, and security awareness needs to being from when users first start to use the Internet as children.


Figure 1 – Non-expert v’s expert top online security practices [11]

#1 Regularly patch your system.
The expert’s first choice practice is to "install software updates". I absolutely agree. Keeping systems patched is probably the best way to prevent unwanted visitors (malware, hackers, government agencies); akin to making sure all your windows are closed and doors locked when leaving the house. Too many times have I seen systems that have not been updated for a long time, or not at all! Patching systems can be a pain in the ass (I have spent too much of my life sitting there watching Microsoft install updates) but many companies provide an automated scheduler to painlessly update in the background (of which, according to the research, some non-experts (and maybe some experts) appear to be wary of). Software vulnerabilities are one of the easiest ways for malware to enter a system, and unfortunately most software contains holes. Various reasons exist for this – mainly poor programming techniques, but pressure to release software by a given date often means it has not been fully tested, hence developers rely on post-release patching to close these holes. Notorious for patching are Microsoft and Adobe. Not so much down to poor programming (although this may be a reason), instead, mainly because their products are so ubiquitous it is worth a hacker’s time to find vulnerabilities as this gives them millions of machines to target. This month Java had another zero-day vulnerability [2]. This was serious enough for security advisers to recommend disabling Java until a patch is released, yet even today, how many people continue to use the older vulnerable versions of Java? More to the point, how many users know they are using Java?

Non-experts had “using AV software” in first place. 42% of non-experts had this in their top 3, whilst only 7% of experts had this in their top 3. Yes AV does still provide some protection, however vendors estimate that AV software only catches about 40% of malware [3]. With estimates of 12 million new malware variants a month [4] AV can only provide so much protection. AV remains one tool for online security but not THE tool. Better online behaviour (see below) should come higher up the list than AV, but users need to be taught what good online behaviour actually is.

Not mentioned in the list is data back-up – possibly because the research was focused on online security practices. Even so, regular backups should form part of an individuals security posture. Information that has made it onto the Internet may well be impossible to permanently remove (see below) but should a device become compromised by malware, such as CryptoLocker, then any data on that device is probably gone for good.  Just how often to back up, how to back up and where to back up too is down to the value of the data being stored. But backups should form part of good online security practice when storing personal data on any Internet connected device.

#2 Passwords.
Both groups agree that password hygiene is important, but both groups differ on what this means. Non-experts are still constantly encouraged to use strong passwords and regularly change them. So, out comes the excuse "how can I remember strong passwords and change them regularly, it’s easier to use the same password for everything." Experts take a different approach. More important than strong passwords is using a different password for different accounts and to use 2FA; thereby reducing the emphasis on passwords and hence reducing the reliance on strong passwords and regularly changing them. With multiple online accounts the only way to reliably use unique passwords is through a password manager.

When it comes to passwords, you need to choose an access mechanism accordingly with the sensitivity of the data being protected. For sensitive data these passwords should be unique, and where 2FA is not used, ensure these passwords are as strong as necessary to protect the information. 

#3 Online behaviour.
Next on the non-expert top 5 list comes two behavioural practices; both of which I believe to be wrong – or more accurately, I believe to be incorrect. Again it comes down to understanding the risks. “Only visit websites they know” is poor advice. The Internet is a dynamic living creature. If you only visit websites you know you are missing out on all the websites you don’t know. The advice should be “be wary of which sites you visit, and trust no one”. Be aware of the risks when visiting ANY web site. If you must download anything, download it to a sandbox and then virus scan it before opening it. Online adverts are known to be riddled with malware or re-direct users to alternative sites. Since the introduction of real-time bidding for adverts, more and more sites are becoming exposed to malvertising [5] [6] [7]. To stay safe, don’t click on adverts. Better still install a good ad-blocker. Anytime you follow a link in a website – check the URL. Use HTTPS wherever it is available. HTTPS may itself be vulnerable, but it is much better than using regular HTTP.

Finally the non-experts advise “Don’t share personal information.” With half of the world’s online users using Facebook [8] badly, then clearly this is advice non-experts know about but don’t follow. The advice should be “Know who you are sharing your personal information with.” Yes, you can share personal information but be careful who with. Understand what can be done with your information and how it is stored. Don’t put all your personal information on Facebook. Don’t send something in an email that you might later regret. The best advice is if you post anything online, or send anything over the Internet, assume it can be read by anybody.  Because in most cases it can. And how long is that information retained for? A recent campaign to allow children to delete their online content [9] is aimed at helping protect children online. But does this give the wrong message? You should not post something that you may later regret in the first place (difficult to tell children, but also difficult for most adults to understand in the heat of the moment). Social media has made big noises about allowing people to permanently delete posts. Even if the social media giants and email providers do permanently delete information from their storage repositories (which I doubt) this information may well be on other user’s machines who might not want to delete it. That email you sent to your best friend about your boss being an arse – anyone could have seen this email in transit and have it stored on their machine, as became apparent when Snowden leaked "secret" politician's emails . Once it is out there it is very difficult to take it back.

Any of these practices from either the expert or non-expert group is sound advice, but for a top 5 list from a (paranoid) expert with a little bit of knowledge of what they are doing:

#1 Make an effort to understand the risks involved when using the Internet, and consequences of not doing things securely
#2 Trust no-one and be skeptical of EVERYTHING
#3 Update, update and update
#4 Use 2FA with unique passwords, managed via a password manager
#5 If you don’t use 2FA; assess the sensitivity against the replacement cost of what you are protecting and use passwords of a suitable strength that are changed in a time frame suitable to mitigate compromise. If you are not able to undertake this assessment then, seriously you need to question why you are using the Internet.

Oh and #6 – Back up!

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